Welcome, and thank you for your interest in my practice. I specialize in serving gifted, professional, and creative/artistic adults and couples. Some of my clients are all three! In my office, you can be yourself because I’ve walked in your shoes and get your world. I have a Stanford MBA and Berkeley MSEE, and worked in startups, nonprofits, academia, and F500 companies before becoming a psychologist. I have special training in working with gifted clients, and researched creativity and songwriting for my doctoral dissertation. See below for other specializations.
I’d like to help you find your path to more joy, authenticity, satisfaction with your work and creative pursuits, and healthy and harmonious relationships. I believe that growth and change are possible throughout our lives, and that we each have within a natural drive to health and wholeness. I help you connect to this inner resource, empowering you to make change and maintain it once therapy is complete. I provide a safe, compassionate, and nonjudgmental setting for you to explore what’s troubling you. Working collaboratively, we will uncover what’s holding you back, so you can develop new ways of relating to yourself and others, new options for unsatisfactory situations, and experience greater resiliency in facing ongoing challenges.
Other specializations...

Therapy is most effective when there is a good fit between client and therapist. I invite you to learn more about my background, my areas of expertise, and how I conduct therapy to determine whether I might be a good match for you. If you’re ready to take the next step, please schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation for us to discuss what brings you to therapy and address any questions or concerns.